Programming Languages Discussion Group (Fall 2021)

Time: Wednesday 3:45pm - 4:45pm
Location: Hybrid: Gates 310 and Zoom (requires Cornell NetID)
Organizers: Dexter Kozen and Adrian Sampson
Czar: Pedro Amorim and Alexa VanHattum

The Programming Languages Discussion Group meets weekly to discuss papers in the area of programming languages, program analysis, and compilers. The goal is to encourage interactions and discussions between students, researchers, and faculty with interests in this area. The seminar is open to everybody interested in languages and compilers. First-year and second-year students are especially encouraged to participate.

Participating students should register for the 1-credit course CS 7190.

Talks will be advertised on the list. To join, send a message to with the subject “join” and a blank body.

PLDG will meet in person during fall, but meetings will still be broadcast over Zoom. Please discuss with the czars if you plan to present virtually.

Date Topic Presenter Host
Sep 1 Towards a Formally Verified Variational Database (paper) Parisa Ataei (OSU) Adrian Sampson
Sep 8 (Organizational +) Symbolic Execution for Randomized Programs Zach Susag
Sep 15 Vector Machines: A Compilers Problem Whose Time Has Come and Gone and Then Turned Right Around and Come Back Again Adrian Sampson
Sep 22 Towards Practical Provably Correct Algorithms for Real Quantifier Elimination Katherine Cordwell (CMU) Dexter Kozen
Sep 29 Concurrent NetKAT: Modeling and Analyzing Stateful, Concurrent Networks Alexandra Silva
Oct 6 A Separation Logic for Negative Dependence Jialu Bao
Oct 13 Geometric Semantics for Epistemic Logic Ryan Doenges
Oct 20 Applying Formal Verification to Microkernel IPC at Facebook Noam Zilberstein
Oct 29 A Language for Correct-By-Construction Hardware Pipelines Drew Zagieboylo
Nov 3 Verified Forward Erasure Correction with Coq and VST Josh Cohen (Princeton) Nate Foster/Andrew Appel
Nov 10 Bounded Model Checking for Hyperproperties Borzoo Bonakdarpour (Michigan State University) Fred Schneider
Nov 17 Abstract Interpretation of Distributed Network Control Planes Mark Moeller
Dec 1 The Evolution of Programmability in GPUs Oliver Daids
Dec 8 Designing Programming Languages for Diverse Users Alan Blackwell (University of Cambridge) Ian Arawjo

Some of the links above need institutional affiliation to access the papers. Use Cornell PassKey to access them.
