Time: Wednesday 3:30pm - 5:00pm
Location: Hybrid: Gates 310 and Zoom (requires Cornell NetID)
Organizers: Dexter Kozen and Adrian Sampson
Czar: Pedro Amorim and Jialu Bao
The Programming Languages Discussion Group meets weekly to discuss papers in the area of programming languages, program analysis, and compilers. The goal is to encourage interactions and discussions between students, researchers, and faculty with interests in this area. The seminar is open to everybody interested in languages and compilers. First-year and second-year students are especially encouraged to participate.
Talks will be advertised on the pldg-l@cornell.edu
list. To join, send a
message to pldg-l-request@cornell.edu with the subject “join” and a
blank body.
PLDG will meet in person when possible, but meetings will still be broadcast over Zoom. Please discuss with the czars if you plan to present virtually.
Date | Topic | Presenter | Host |
June 1 | Verified Elliptic-Curve Cryptography: From Affine Formulas to Assembly Code | Andres Erbsen (MIT) | Nate Foster |
June 8 | Safe, Modular Packet Pipeline Programming | Devon Loehr (Princeton) | |
June 15 | CirC: Unifying Compilers for SNARKs, SMT, and More (virtual) | Alex Ozdemir (Stanford) | Alexa VanHattum |
June 22 | Coalgebra | Alexandra Silva | |
June 29 | TBD | ||
July 6 | TBD | ||
July 13 | TBD | ||
July 20 | TBD | ||
July 27 | No PLDG | ||
Aug 3 | Perturbation Analysis for Neural Networks (based on paper) | Zi Wang (UW Madison) | Jialu Bao |
Aug 10 | Formal Reasoning about Layered Monadic Interpreters | Irene Yoon (UPenn) | |
Aug 17 | TBD | André Videla (University of Strathclyde) |
Some of the links above need institutional affiliation to access the papers. Use Cornell PassKey to access them.