Great Works (Spring 2021)

Time: Tuesdays 1:30pm - 2:20pm
Location: Zoom (requires account)
Organizers: Rachit Nigam and Adrian Sampson

Great Works has concluded for the semester for Spring 2021. If you’d like to organize great works this semester, please reach out to Rachit or Adrian about logistics.

This is a 1-credit seminar that meets every week to discuss classic papers in programming languages adjacent fields. Great works is a discussion-focused reading group. We expect participants to read the papers and attend the seminar.

Reading Protocol

Presenters should work with their mentor to figure out which parts of the two papers they will focus on. They should send an email to Rachit on Friday before their presentation with their paper reading requirements. The confirmation for reading with any additional materials goes out over the weekend on the PLDG mailing list:

To join, send a message to with the subject “join” and a blank body.

Presenting Papers

The expectation is that people have read the papers. The focus should be discussions and not a full presentation of all the topics in the papers. Aim for 25-30 minutes and try to weave in discussion questions throughout your presentation. Since your mentor has probably presented in great works before, work with them to figure out a good presentation style!

Getting Papers

Paper titles are hyperlinked to PDFs available on the web. If a link is broken, open an issue at the Github repo for this website, or find a working link and make a pull request.

Date Topic Presenter & Mentor
02/09 Organization and Paper Assignments Rachit & Adrian
  • A Theory of Type Polymorphism in Programming
  • FreezeML: Complete and Easy Type Inference for First-class Polymorphism
  • Simplification by Cooperating Decision Procedures
  • Z3: An Efficient SMT Solver
Griffin & Eric
03/02 Haobin & Cooper
03/09 Canceled due to Cornell’s Wellness Day
03/16 Mark & Ryan
03/23 Anshuman & Alexa
03/30 Salil & Eric
04/06 Priya & Rolph
04/13 Goktug & Oliver
04/20 Goktug & Rachit
04/27 Ayaka & Eric
05/04 Wen-Ding & Alexa
05/11 Luke & Drew
